Unshakeable Coparenting

Clear Coparenting Drama, and
Protect & Support your Children

For women trying to co-parent

with an ex who counter-parents

(while pretending to co-parent)

I'll warn you: My approach is very different from what you're used to hearing. It's direct, personalised, and aimed at making you Unshakeable AF.

And that's why it works!

Your coparenting journey starts here

Scroll below and find what's right for you

1️⃣ Separated Under the Same Roof

Priority: Balancing separation while sharing a living space

  • Looking for strategies for peaceful coexistence.
  • Establishing boundaries in a shared environment.
  • Managing emotional and practical challenges of close proximity.

Next Steps: Watch our FREE mini-course for practical coping strategies, and for a heads-up of what lies ahead.


2️⃣ Less Than 6 Months into Coparenting

Priority: Adjusting to the new reality and responsibilities of coparenting.

  • Understanding and adapting to coparenting dynamics.
  • Building a foundation for effective communication.
  • Addressing initial legal and emotional challenges.

Next Steps: Watch our FREE mini-course to help you start planning for your future as a coparent.

3️⃣ Still Confused About What to Do Next

Priority: Gaining clarity and direction in your coparenting journey.

  • Seeking guidance on navigating uncertain situations.
  • Understanding your rights and responsibilities.
  • Exploring options for creating a stable environment for your children.

Next Steps: Watch our FREE mini-course for clarity on how to create a stable environment for your children.

4️⃣ Just Want to Vent and Process

Priority: Finding a safe space to express and process emotions without immediate action.

  • Acknowledging and expressing built-up frustrations.
  • Understanding that change might feel impossible right now.
  • Releasing emotional pressure in a supportive environment.

Next Steps: Find a therapist/councellor or a safe space to vent and process emotions.

5️⃣ Done with Coparenting Chaos

Priority: Taking control and actively seeking solutions to improve your coparenting experience and protect your children from further damage.

  • Ready to implement proven and effective strategies.
  • Committed to making positive changes for your family.
  • Willing to invest time, effort, and resources in personal growth.

Next Steps: Watch our mini-course for actionable strategies and empowerment, and if you feel called, apply for The Unshakeable Coparent™ Program to reclaim control over your life and the well-being of their children.

Apply For

The Unshakeable Coparent


and receive a walkthrough of my 3-step framework


Coparenting & Confidence Mentor, passionate about helping women RISE

I've been guiding women through the challenges of high-conflict coparenting for the last half decade. In that time, I've developed a variety of tailored offerings, including the Activate Calm program and the Unshakeable Coparent Program, helping women from different walks of life find their calm and inner strength.

I am here to empower you to navigate coparenting drama with minimal stress and effort, no matter where you are on your journey. From a vault of free training to exclusive bootcamps and memberships, there's something for everyone.

I'll warn you: My approach might be different from what you're used to hearing. It's direct, personalised, and aimed at making you Unshakeable.

And that's why it works!

Women Just Like You
Amazing Results

Client wins from some of our beautiful mummas...

“Those days to a week where I hear nothing... it’s sooo peaceful!”

Before I would just shut down for a week or two, but now I think: “Ah, you’re just p!ssing me off, but I’m ok now. Whatever. This is what you do…”

This is a life-changing experience!

See how these fierce mummas push through fear and change the way they coparent forever.

“I’m setting boundaries with all different people in my life… I bounce back more quickly: I was able to process it and go: Alright! It’s not the end of the world.”

“I was happy that instead of getting baited into back-and-forth or whatever, I just cut him off and I think it’s working. Boundary done!”

Why Sarah Is Not Your Typical Coach...

Not every coach…

  • will have had real-life, proven experience in applying the strategies they teach, and walk the walk…there are a lot of copycats out there!
  • is able to hone in on her clients' hidden desires and power with an open heart to create big shifts for them that are achievable, sustainable, and repeatable.
  • is a master of holding safe space, an intuitive guide, and coparenting sage who generously shares her insights and knowledge.
  • will give you the perfect mix of proven coparenting strategies, healing mindset, and parenting principles that will help you reset your coparenting and life.
  • will see the light of who you are and provide you with the love, support and guidance you need to have the unshakeable confidence to own your place as the influential safe parent.
  • will empower you to go from feeling fear to flipping the script and the finger, so you can move ahead with clarity, rock-solid confidence, and alignment with who you were always meant to be before the shitshow.
  • is an intuitive empath healer who has the ability to drill down on the underlying cause of your anxiety, triggers, and thoughts that hold you back, and guides you to a place where you can trust yourself and your decisions, without second-guessing yourself.

I've got your back!

About Sarah Kamoto

- Founder, Empowered Parent, Unshakeable Coparent, and Advocate for Mothers

Sarah is a leading Coparenting & Confidence Mentor. Also known as Narc Proof & Thriving, she is known for her calm and steady demeanour coupled with her ability to put a zinger right where it needs to be. Sarah guides her clients to armour up with fierce cast-iron boundaries, the ability to shut down conflict, and block any attempt for abusive behaviour from toxic people, but most importantly their coparent. Sarah is also the founder of the transformational experience “The Unshakeable Coparent” that takes safe mothers from overwhelmed, stuck, and exhausted to calm, unruffled, and unaffected in their coparenting.

Since radically transforming her own life and breaking free from an abusive marriage, she gained her independence and freedom. Further along the way, she co-created a healthy, loving, and fulling relationship which evolved into a beautiful blended family. Her partner not only supports her emotionally on a personal level, but is also an active contributor to her mission. She’s never been happier.

Sarah dreams of a world where everyone is aware that there are emotionally unhealthy people who claim to love you, while slowly eroding your confidence, your sense of self and reality. There are deceptive people with complete disregard for the never-ending, detrimental, and soul-destroying effects this has on your entire being and no consideration of how it undermines your child's healthy development.

As high-conflict personalities are so prevalent, the only way to end the cycle of abuse is by raising emotionally strong and resilient children, who have healthy coping skills, instead of heading down the road of addiction, toxic relationship dynamics, needing years of therapy.

Apply For

The Unshakeable Coparent


and receive a walkthrough of my 3-step framework