You're an amazing parent, and you want to protect your children...

Here's what to expect when you have a Narc Proof Parenting Plan™

Save On Legal Fees

Having a Narc Proof Parenting Plan™, prevents you from having to get in the mud with your coparent every time there's a disagreement.

This will ensure you're not bleeding money in legal fees for every little petty email you receive from your coparent.

This financial stability will allow you to provide a more secure environment for your children, who will see you as resourceful and capable.

With such an effective Parenting Plan, you will minimise unnecessary legal interactions, saving you thousands.

Limit Their Control

Coparenting with a narcissist means that they will try to exert their control over you on a regular basis, using your children as pawns.

Having a Narc Proof Parenting Plan™ in place will give you the foundation to set strong boundaries more easily, without always having to use your lawyer for every single communication.

Daily life becomes less stressful when you start blocking these attempts for control, fostering a calm and peaceful Narc Proof Home™ environment.

Ensure Your Children Thrive

Implementing your Narc Proof Parenting Plan™ will create the emotional distance from your coparent, so you can be at your best as the emotionally intelligent and nurturing parent that you are, strengthening your bond with your children.

They will see you as their secure and stable presence, which is essential for their emotional and psychological wellbeing.

Your home environment will transform into a Narc Proof Home™, where your parent-child bond can flourish, ensuring your children thrive despite the coparenting dynamic

Create Your Own Narc Proof Parenting Plan™ In 3 Simple Steps

1. Define Your Boundaries

We'll get clear on what you want to include and exclude in your parenting plan to cover all bases.

We'll identify specific rules and boundaries you need to establish to ensure a safe and stable environment for your children.

This clarity will serve as the foundation for your plan, helping to prevent any potential manipulation or loopholes.

2. Develop Comprehensive Categories

We'll develop each category in your parenting plan to eliminate any loopholes that your coparent could exploit.

We'll break down each boundary into actionable steps and detailed guidelines.

By being meticulous and comprehensive, you will create a plan that strongly discourages your coparent from disrupting your life and your children's wellbeing.

3. Win Either Way

With your Narc Proof Parenting Plan in effect, it's easier to turn your home into a safe Narc Proof Home™.

Your coparent will either comply with the orders, or they'll dig their own hole.

Overt narcissists will give you all the evidence you need, whereas covert narcissists will not do anything to put their precious "status" in jeopardy.

Your children will witness you in your personal power, as a leader who can manage anything!



Create your Narc Proof Parenting Plan™ to prevent or strongly discourage your coparent from messing around with your life and your children.

We will analyse the requirements of effective parenting plans, discuss the principles, and workshop your own Narc Proof Parenting Plan™ with samples & templates.

And the best part is that your investment is less than the cost of 3 hours with your attorney!

Sign Me Up!

1 Installment


  • 4 Core Masterclasses (Value: $3,000)
  • 2 Complementary Masterclasses (Value: $1,000)
  • 2 Q&A Modules (Value: $1,000)
  • Written Examples of What to Include in Your Parenting Plans, Broken Down by Category (Value: $500)
  • Lifetime Access To The Materials

(Total Value of $5,500)


2 Installments


  • 4 Core Masterclasses (Value: $3,000)
  • 2 Complementary Masterclasses (Value: $1,000)
  • 2 Q&A Modules (Value: $1,000)
  • Written Examples of What to Include in Your Parenting Plans, Broken Down by Category (Value: $500)
  • Lifetime Access To The Materials

(Total Value of $5,500)


THEN $588 IN 30 DAYS