You're an amazing mother, and you want to learn how to empower your children...

Here's what to expect when you use the principles of the Child Whisperer Protocol™.

Parenting Confidence

With each skill mastered to handle manipulation, your confidence will soar. You'll trust in your decisions, knowing they're the best for your children.

This confidence becomes visible to everyone, inspiring your children to feel secure and positive about their own decisions.

Each day will bring less doubt and more assurance in your parenting.

Stronger Parent-Child Bond

As you consistently counter your coparent's undermining tactics, you'll solidify your role as the dependable, protective parent.

Your children will come to see you as their safe space they can always turn to.

This reliable presence builds a deeper trust, making everyday interactions with your children more fulfilling and secure.

Peace of Mind for the Future

Teaching your children to navigate complex emotions and manipulative situations arms them with critical life skills.

As they apply these skills, you'll experience a profound sense of relief and support.

Your daily life will be less about managing crises and more about enjoying the growth and emotional development of your children, confident they're prepared for the future.

Address Manipulation In 3 Simple Steps

1. Use the Principles of the Child Whisperer Protocol™

You’ll become the mom who sees through the games and guards your kids’ emotions.

Your children will see you as their wise protector, making your everyday interactions calm and secure.

2. Achieve More By Doing Less

Learn to cut through the noise and focus on what really matters.

Your days will be less about conflict and more about enjoying peaceful moments, giving you and your children space to breathe and grow.

3. Transform Challenges into Teachable Moments

Every challenge becomes a chance to teach your kids resilience and critical thinking.

They'll see you as a leader who turns tough times into powerful lessons, making everyday a step forward in their personal growth.

This is What We Covered...

🔥 Identifying manipulative behaviours

🔥 The Child Whisperer Assessment™️, with examples for recognising signs in your child based on how they feel and how they act

🔥 Building bulletproof emotional resilience in your kids

🔥 How to hold space for your children

🔥 Detecting the manipulation and reassuring your children in the moment

🔥 Scripts for different age groups of children, for 6 different scenarios and types of manipulation

🔥 We'll look at having a plan to proactively deflect the manipulation in the long term



As you deflect manipulation, your children will see a strong role model who handles challenges with grace, making every day a lesson in resilience. Showing them how it's done!

  • 8 On-Demand Video Trainings (Value: $6,000)
  • 10 PDF Worksheets (Value: $250)
  • 2 Q&A Recordings (Value: $750)
  • Lifetime Access To The Materials

(Total Value of $7,000)
