Master the skill of identifying and documenting your coparent's abusive behaviour, and you'll experience...

Strategic Wins Regardless

Picture every situation as an opportunity. When your coparent disregards your boundaries, it might seem like a setback, but it's actually a win in disguise.

You either maintain your peace, showing you can stand firm despite their actions, or you gather more evidence of their disregard, which strengthens your situation and strategy for safeguarding your well-being and that of your children.

This approach transforms apparent losses into gains. Embracing this mindset turns things in your favour, making you unstoppable. Isn't it empowering to know you can thrive no matter what?

Clear Talking Points

Think about the moment you're laying it all out there for someone who needs to get it—be it the person at the school, a counselor, attorney, whoever. You're all about just the facts, super clear, no messing around.

And then, bam, you see they've got it. No confusion, no extra drama. Just pure, "I hear you". That's when you know you nailed it. Feels good, doesn't it?

Smart with Your Cash

Picture yourself, all your papers spread out in front of you, but you're not sweating it. You've been smart, kept things tight, and skipped on the lawyer fees when you didn't really need to spend.

Now you're in a spot where, if you do need to bring in the big guns, you're ready. Money-wise, you're in control.

That's not just about being savvy—that's you taking charge of your path. Ready to roll, whatever comes. How empowering is that?


Quickly identify hidden abusive behaviors with clear examples, even those subtle ones by narcissists


Learn exactly what to document to build strong evidence, guided by a straightforward 3-Step Framework


Compile a solid case of evidence on emotional or psychological abuse, ready to present in any legal setting


Documenting Evidence
(Against A Narcissistic Coparent)

In a world that still struggles to recognise emotional abuse beyond standard definitions, you need a solid framework for identifying, documenting, processing, and presenting evidence of emotional and psychological abuse. This program gives you just that.


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